Vindu Dara Singh wins Bigg Boss. Vindu Dara Singh is the proud Bigg Boss 3 winner and also the winner of the chevrolet car. Pravesh Rana is the runner-up and the sweet Poonam Dhillon is the runner-up.
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Saturday, December 26, 2009
Bigg Boss 3 Winner Vindu Dara Singh
Vindu Dara Singh wins Bigg Boss. Vindu Dara Singh is the proud Bigg Boss 3 winner and also the winner of the chevrolet car. Pravesh Rana is the runner-up and the sweet Poonam Dhillon is the runner-up.
bigg boss 3 winner,
bigg boss news
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Poonam Dhillon Winner of Bigg Boss
Poonam Dhillon could be the winner of Bigg Boss, according to what Bigg Boss Season 3 blog feels. There are quite a few reasons as to why Poonam Dhillon will win Bigg Boss 3:
1. Poonam Dhillon has been the underdog of Bigg Boss season 3. She has played the game really well, she was never intimidating like Pravesh nor submissive like Sherlyn.
2. Almost everyone in Bigg Boss Season 3 had made mistakes or created a 'scene' or problem. Be it the trio, Rohit Verma, Raju Shrivastav and Vindu during the video, Bakthiyar's fight with Tanaz and others or Pravesh's outburst and not-so pleasant behavior. Only Poonam Dhillon maintained a dignified poise without really causing a problem.
3. Poonam Dhillon did maximum work, especially in the kitchen feeding people. She was there to support the one who was hurt and felt lonely, be it Sherlyn earlier, Rohit Verma when he was in the cage punished or Pravesh Rana when he felt angry at Vindu. Poonam Dhillon is also the person who pacified the angry Vindu, telling him that he couldnt create an impression that may not go down well with his family.
4. Tactfully speaking, there has been no lady winner in Bigg Boss seasons. So, Poonam Dhillon has a chance to be the Bigg Boss winner.
bigg boss views,
poonam dhillon
Pravesh Rana says Sorry, Regrets his Action
However towards the end, Bigg Boss shows a video of how poor kids in the world are crying for a morsel of food and some people just throw food as if it is no big deal. All three broke down and Pravesh said that he agreed with Bigg Boss' instruction to stay hungry and thirsty for 24 hours , cook and serve food to 10 poor kids later.
bigg boss day 81
Bakthiyar 10 lakhs: Smart Move or Foolish?
bigg boss 3 day 81
Pravesh Rana Video of Food Throwing
Check the video of Pravesh Rana throwing food in the pool. Anger can do silly things to even the most smartest of people. As you can see Pravesh Rana who is known to be sensible and clear in his thoughts, has one weakness, and a major weakness-getting hurt easily and subsequently angry. See the Pravesh Rana video of throwing food into the Bigg Boss swimming pool.
bigg boss season 3 day 80,
pravesh rana
Bigg Boss Winner: Poonam Dhillon or Vindu
It seems to be a close contest between friends Poonam Dhillon and Vindu who are on their way to win Bigg Boss. Pravesh Rana had a golden chance but he kind of blew it up, when he threw the all the food and drowned his luck. Still let's hope, his repentance proves worthy. But as of now, the field looks clearly set for Vindu Dara Singh and Poonam Dhillon
Vindu Dara Singh's best part is that he has the junta appeal in him with the desh ka aadmi imagine affixed on him while Poonam Dhillon has a dignified image and has never showed temperamental behavior in the house till today
bigg boss views,
poonam dhillon,
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Pravesh Throwing Food in the Pool: Right or Wrong?
Do you think that his anger is justified?
Do you agree that it was okay for him to throw the food in the water, because he was angry?
Do you think he overreacted?
bigg boss views,
pravesh rana
Should a married couple be in Bigg Boss?
Bakhtiyar Irani's wife Tanaaz was out of Bigg Boss due to planning and plotting of nominations, largely by Rohit Verma, which he admitted. But the main context of removing Tanaaz was that a married couple should not be in the show. So, what do you think? Does participating in Bigg Boss as a married couple make a side stronger?
bigg boss views
Is Pravesh Rana The Common Man?
Pravesh Rana showed his most angry side today at Bigg Boss when he couldn't bear what Vindu said. He kept on saying that he is a common man, as many times as he wanted. But the point is, is Mr. India a common man? Is Miss India a common woman? If Miss. India Dia Mirza is a common woman, then even Mr.India Pravesh Rana is a common man. If Pravesh is a common man, then even Mrs. World Aditi Govitrikar is a common woman.
Anyway, Pravesh Rana decided to make the Bigg Boss house a living hell for its inmates by throwing all the food provision in the river. Let's see what await him.
bigg boss day 79
Who will win Bigg Boss 3?
1. Pravesh Rana: His plus points include confidence and intelligence
2. Vindu: His plus points include his 'desh ka aadmi' wala charm
3. Poonam Dhillon: She is clearly the underdog..
So guys vote for the winner of bigg boss 3..Who will win Bigg Boss 3..please vote on the poll to the right.
bigg boss news
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Bakthiyar Out of Bigg House
Bakthiyar is out of Bigg Boss. As we know, there are only three finalists at the end of the final week of Bigg Boss. Bigg Boss sent a check of 10 lakhs in the house and asked which member of the house would like to go out of the house? Bakthiyar opted out of the house. Do you think Bakhiyaar acted smart or dumb?
Bigg Boss Season 3 Day 10,
bigg boss video,
day 77
Monday, December 14, 2009
Pravesh Rana in Bigg Boss Final
pravesh rana
Friday, December 11, 2009
Claudia Ciesla out of Bigg Boss
Vindoo will be able to see what people talk about him through a secret room The real fun will be when a bad mouthing contestant gets to face Vindoo again. Quite an amazing twist to Bigg Boss. Claudia Ciesla goes out of the Bigg Boss house.
claudia Ciesla,
Friday, December 4, 2009
Raju Shrivastav out of Bigg Boss, Manipulation?
Bigg Boss Season 3 Day 60,
Raju Shrivastav
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Aditi Govitrikar Interview Outside Bigg Boss
How was your experience?
It was an enriching experience. The biggest challenge for me was to live without my kids. I thought the journey would be easy but it wasn't. It's a psychological game, to be able to gel with people having different personalities.
Doing household work like cooking and sweeping was also a challenge.
Was it a conscious decision to just react and not initiate things?
I decided to be myself in the show. I would retaliate if someone confronts me. I will not sit back and take shit from anyone. But to generate that kind of attention is not me.
Last week, Poonam Dhillon's behaviour changed drastically towards you. She appeared very cold.
Initially, when everyone was present, I would spend most of my time with Tanaaz , Bhakhtyar and Shamita. So I did not get a chance to interact with Poonamji. But later on, we bonded well.
But yes, there were some arguments and hiccups that could have been avoided. Poonamji has played the game the way she feels is right. I think she has an equal chance of winning.
Have you forgiven Rohit Verma, who plotted and planned against the housemates including you?
Who am I to forgive him?
I was really upset with the footage shown to us because it was not pleasant. I am more upset with Rohit, as compared to Vindoo and Raju because he gave me an impression that he loved me. He used to say that I was a nice person and that he respected me. But then he plotted against everyone saying, 'Mallika ko nikalo', 'Doctor ko nikalo', 'Khiladi ko nikalo...' That was not right. He really backstabbed Tanaaz, Bhakhtyar and Claudia. Had he played the game well, he would have been in the house even now.
Did you feel like leaving the house at any point?
I had made up my mind that I would not cry in front of the camera. I did not want my kids to get disturbed. Nothing in the house made me cry except the time when I cried in the bathroom. But I felt like slapping people many times, especially Rohit (laughs).
Did Pravesh entering later into the house give him an advantage?
Yes. He came after five weeks, and had seen the way in which we were playing the game. He is focused and a smart player. I wish he was there from the start.
Vinod Kambli was very upset when you nominated him.
Kambli is my husband's friend and we have had a casual chat whenever we've met. But in the game, we had to nominate someone giving a valid reason. And I think I did that. Later, I came to know that I was the only one who nominated him. The final decision is never in our hands; it's a game he should take it in the right spirit.
What is Vindoo like?
Vindoo is a very complicated person but pure at heart and an entertainer. He has made up his mind that he has to win so he talks to himself and to the camera. Initially, I found that disturbing because it's weird. Now, it seems that I was the only person who didn't do that. I think even sharing our feelings with plants were a burden to them. I thought they might die if I start pouring out my heart to them!
What did you gain from Bigg Boss?
I made three good friends in Tanaaz, Bhakhtyar and Shamita.
Why did you agree to be part of Bigg Boss?
Bigg Boss is the biggest reality show in India, I thought it could give me the mileage for starting my career all over again. I have some personal issues which is forcing me to look for work now. And besides, my son is two and a half years old now.
Are you open to reality shows only?
Never say no to television. I had a blast doing two reality shows -- Khatron Ke Khiladi and now Bigg Boss.
Now, I am looking forward to dance reality shows and commercials. I want good character roles in films like in De Dana Dan too, where I had played Paresh Rawal's second wife.
bigg boss 3 interviews,
claudia Ciesla
Claudia Ciesla interview in Bigg Boss
German model-actress Claudia Ciesla got along well with the housemates of Bigg Boss especially Pravesh Rana. In fact, she left behind a hand grenade to grant immunity to Pravesh to be part of the finals.
Did you expect to get evicted?
I thought Aditi (Govitrikar) or Poonam (Dhillon) will be out. I was hoping it would not be me because I wanted to stay longer. But I have no regrets. I adjusted very well inside the Bigg Boss house for 10 weeks. I didn't know how to cook at all but during my stay I learnt to cook Indian food.
Do you think your closeness to Pravesh Rana is one of the reasons for you to get evicted?
No. It was a big achievement for me to survive in the house for 10 weeks. I don't have family here nor do I have any fans here. The five housemates, who are left in the house, have family support and a fan following.
Do you think Pravesh used you to survive in the house?
I don't think so. Nothing was planned inside the house; it went with the flow. If I felt he was using me, I would have avoided him.
What is your equation with Pravesh?
Pravesh and I are only friends, nothing else. We are comfortable with each other because we are of the same age and profession. So we had a lot in common to talk about.
What made you agree to be a part of Bigg Boss?
Bigg Boss is the best reality show in India. Plus, Mr Amitabh Bachchan was the host of the show. I had no reason to refuse the show. Thanks to Bigg Boss, I'm already getting offers to work in films.
What was the toughest thing about Bigg Boss?
I wasn't allowed to speak English after a month. Once I was sent to jail for a day because I continued speaking in English. I had a hard time learning Hindi. I could not understand even if they were bitching about me on my face. I would hardly discuss things because I was not fluent in Hindi. And I feared that I would be sent to jail again if I spoke in English. That was a difficult time but somehow I managed.
What do you have to say about Kamal Khan's hunger strike for you?
Kamal was inside the house to promote himself, not win the game, the first time. All the housemates were irritated by him. I thought I would kill him. We were lucky that he was asked to leave the house. When he re-entered the house, he was not welcomed but he behaved himself. So that was fine.
Rohit Verma claimed that you don't know to sing your national anthem.
They did not teach the national anthem in my school, so I don't know the words. But that doesn't mean that I don't respect my country.
Will you stay in touch with the housemates after Bigg Boss?
Definitely! I like making new friends. Some of the housemates made mistakes but in the given situation, people tend to react in ways they normally wouldn't.
Who do you think will win Bigg Boss?
Pravesh and Vindoo have strong chances of winning. Though Vindoo was nominated five or six times, he survived in the house. It shows he has strong support from his family and fans. Pravesh entered after a month but he is playing very smartly.
Did you call your family after you came out?
Yes. I was dying to call my family so I called my mom after I came out of the house. She was disappointed when I told her that I will not be able to make it for Christmas because of work commitments.
What next?
I am hunting for an apartment in Juhu or Bandra, located I the western suburbs of Mumbai. I am taking Hindi diction classes too. As I said earlier, I have got film offers but I need to discuss them with my manager.
Raju Shrivastav Interview outside Bigg Boss
It seemed like you were not prepared to go out.
That's not true. I was mentally prepared to go out because I knew it was my turn. People have had enough of comedy, they want drama and fighting. And I was not doing that.
You were one of the most popular housemates in Bigg Boss. Why do you think the audience voted you out?
I was there for 63 days and I'm thankful to the public to keep me there so long. There have been many ups and downs in life; you can't be happy all the time. People want more aggression and arrogance on the show. Maybe that's why they saved Vindoo and Pravesh. I have no complaints because I am satisfied with the duration of my stay.
I was feeling low of late because of the verbal spats between Vindoo, Pravesh and Kamal Khan. That definitely troubled me.
You dressed like a woman for a week. Didn't that make you uncomfortable?
Nobody wished to take the hand grenade which Rohit Verma was to offer one of us. So I decided to take it up. I always wished to do things the rest wouldn't do. This task was a challenge. I decided to entertain the viewers dressed up like a woman. I tried to project rural as well as urban women. I borrowed lipstick and kajal from Poonamji (Dhillion). I had fun.
Who do you think played dirty games?
I would not like to take any names. Everyone is insecure. All of them are making mistakes and playing for money.
I want Vindoo to win because he entertains people. He has a good heart.
Would you like to go back to the house?
Yes, if I have the dates.
Tanaaz Irani and Aditi Govitrikar pulled off your pyjamas near the swimming pool, which created quite a controversy.
I was shocked. They should not have done it but I knew it was an accident, so I forgive them. I am told that the media aired the clipping and it certainly was controversial.
Sri Adhikari Brothers sent a legal notice to you when you were inside the house. Can you talk about that?
They are launching a channel later in the month and I am doing shows for them. No dates were decided when I entered the house. I had informed them that Bigg Boss would wind up towards the end of the month.
bigg boss interviews
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Rohit Verma's Interview outside Bigg Boss
Here are excerpts of Rohit Verma's interviews out of the Bigg Boss house. Courtesy: REDIFF.COM
After much plotting and planning against his housemates, Rohit Verma was evicted out of the Bigg Boss [ Images ] house. Even his apologies and tears did not change the audience's mind, as they voted the fashion designer out.
Rohit talks to Rajul Hegde about his time in Bigg Boss.
What was your Bigg Boss experience like?
It is a mix of good and bad memories. I entered the house like an innocent child and played games. Later, I got trapped in the manipulation and became a scapegoat. The people I depended upon used me emotionally. I was mentally harrowed at one point of time and even turned suicidal. After seeing the audio-visual, I was broken. That's why the psychiatrist changed the game and showed some of my good moments.
Why didn't you realise your mistakes before Bigg Boss exposed you?
You are living with 13 strangers. All of them hope to make it to the grand finale. To win becomes so important that you forget your individuality. The prize money is so huge that the greed comes automatically. A good amount of money is being paid for you to be on the show too. The longer you stay on the show, the higher your bank balance gets.
Do you think you were nominated only because Bigg Boss exposed you?
Yes. The housemates were planning the nominations but I was the only one who admitted my mistake. I think I deserved it because I was playing wrong.
I am proud of myself and everyone should feel the same about me because I was the only one who accepted my mistake. Vindoo Singh and Raju Srivastav [ Images ] were part of the backbiting but they were not guilty at all.
Rohit VermaBut the housemates felt that you were faking it after Bigg Boss unmasked you. You were trying to gain sympathy and save yourself from eviction.
If you had seen the lie detector test, you wouldn't have asked me this question. A lie detector test has shown that my emotions were true. For me, Bigg Boss 3 got over the night I saw the footage of us backbiting. I criticised myself. You need guts to do that. Everyone has come to win the prize money. Even a friend will backstab you because winning becomes so important.
You were discussing your financial difficulties on Bigg Boss. Is that one of the reasons why you took part in Bigg Boss?
Everyone goes through a credit crunch. The fashion industry has dipped because there were no international buyers in the fashion week this year. But that doesn't mean I don't have a bank balance. Yes, it's difficult to survive because of the kind of lifestyle we lead.
When you were inside the house, questions were raised whether you are a fashion designer or a choreographer.
I laugh at such statements. Many of them have come to my fashion shows! But I don't need to prove anything. If you google Rohit K Verma, you will know about New York fashion shows. You will see international models on my Facebook.
Taanaz Irani was upset with you after she was evicted.
I learnt about that after I came out of the house. If I were in her place, I would have reacted the same way too. Initially, Bhakhtyar, Taanaz, Shamita Shetty [ Images ], Aditi Govitrikar [ Images ] and I were best friends. We would gang up and make fun of others.
Then one of the housemates told me that Bhakhtyar and Tanaaz [ Images ] were bitching about me and planning my nomination. I was shocked. After that, I saw Tanaaz discussing my nomination in front of me in a coded manner. So I decided to nominate them. I wanted to send Tanaaz out. Poonamji (Dhillon) also told me that they had used me.
Who is the villain in the house?
Everybody knows that. It's Vindoo.
How did you take Kamaal Khan's re-entry into the house?
I don't want to talk about people who are not important in my life.
Why do you think Pravesh Rana did not gel with you?
Pravesh is a struggling model and he will go to any extent for work. He is the biggest manipulator in the house. He poisoned people's minds and tarnished my image.
What next?
I'm waiting for the wild card entry. I don't want to go back in tears but as a changed person.
bigg boss interviews
Pravesh or Vindoo who should go out of the house?
It seems that Raju Shrivastav is safe this week, but there is a definite tussle between Vindoo and Pravesh.The fight between Pravesh and Vindoo show that blood is boiling on either sides. Whom do you think is right?
bigg boss views
Vindoo and Pravesh fight in Bigg Boss
Monday was a tense atmosphere for bigg boss house as Vindoo, Pravesh and Raju Shrivastav were nominated. Vindoo said something about 'AUKAADH' that dint go well with Pravesh. Pravesh created a huge scene telling him that Vindoo has not done anything on his name, except for using his father's name. Though Vindoo apologized for behavior and said that he had not said things that were being accused, Pravesh continued rambling Vindoo lost his cool and they were about to get in fist cuffs when other people exasperated them.
In the heated argument it was visible that Pravesh was behaving very arrogantly. After the aukaad thing, Pravesh jumped on to a topic discussing about Poonam and though Vindoo asked him what was the derogatory thing that he had said, Pravesh just harped 'derogatory, derogatory'. Pravesh declared that since he has come from sms votes, no one will be able to throw him out, and he will go much ahead. He claimed that Vindoo begs for votes and he doesnt need such things.
In the heated argument it was visible that Pravesh was behaving very arrogantly. After the aukaad thing, Pravesh jumped on to a topic discussing about Poonam and though Vindoo asked him what was the derogatory thing that he had said, Pravesh just harped 'derogatory, derogatory'. Pravesh declared that since he has come from sms votes, no one will be able to throw him out, and he will go much ahead. He claimed that Vindoo begs for votes and he doesnt need such things.
Friday, November 27, 2009
De Dana Dan in Bigg Boss 3
Akshay Kumar met with friend Vindoo and told him to stop crying all the time. Neha Dhupia and Sameera Reddy mingled with the women in the house. Claudia showed Neha Dhupia across the house and even the jail, where she told she was reprimanded for talking in English. Then there was the paper dance program which was fun. Akshay Kumar told Sameera Reddy to lift KRK, which she did! Suniel Shetty and Claudia won the paper dance.
There was a mimicry round, where Pravesh impressed people with his take-off on Amrish Puri. By 8.30 am, Bigg Boss ordered the stars of De Dana Dan to take leave. Akshay Kumar was asked to take the message of one lucky member to his respective household. Raju Shrivastav was the lucky person which Akki chose.
After the stars departed, the day went smoothly for the Bigg Boss household. Kamal Khan was congratulated by Bigg Boss for his flawless conduct of 'warden'. The day ended with Bigg Boss house members paying their homage to the people who died in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks.
bigg boss video,
Kamal Khan
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Kamal Khan's Big house in Bigg Boss
Kamal Khan showed his big house in one of the recent episodes in Bigg Boss, telling that this house is his 100 crore house. Apparently, it seems that he just took a picture of the 21000 square feet VILLA BROMELIA.
This construction is not even finished and is supposed to be completed by the second quarter of 2010. This is the link to the property dealer who wants to buy this house
Seems like the only contribution that KRK has in this house is clicking it and showing it to the housemates in Bigg Boss
bigg boss views,
Kamal Khan
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sponsors Spoiling Bigg Boss tasks
Compared to Bigg Boss 2, Bigg Boss 3 is inundated with rounds and tasks that are sponsored by various brands. We saw Max New York Life Insurance sponsoring a round, then there was a hair care round sponsored by Sunsilk, there was a Nestle Polo round, in which the audience had to collect some chocolates and yesterday there was a round based on Varnish Stain Removal
These sponsor based rounds are totally spoiling the 'fun element' of Bigg Boss. There is no space for creativity and Bigg Boss seems to pander to the obscene amounts paid by these sponsors. Compared to last seasons, where rounds were more creative; here the rounds are based on
collecting chocolates of a certain brand or tomming about a washing powder brand.
The camera goes and zooms at a particular brand, kept in the store room or in a strategic position, for a good 5 seconds (money is the reason). And of course, there is Vodafone. Bigg Boss house looks a huge Vodafone showroom.
bigg boss views
Bigg Boss 3 Feel Good Video
Check out this beautiful party video which Bigg Boss played to lighten up the gloomy video of Bigg Boss house mates
bigg boss video
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sadness and Happiness in the Bigg Boss House
Vindoo decided to adopt the Ghajini look and went totally bald. Kamal Khan shaved his head and the maverick Vindoo was proud of his new found look. Pravesh continued flirting with Claudia Ciesla. But the basic mood in the house was still gloomy. Aditi Govitrikar was sad because she was missing her home while Rohit Verma was feeling sad, becauase he felt suffocated in the home due to distrust by people.
Bigg Boss decided to cheer the house mates by playing songs. There were different songs to cater to different moods like the Kailash Kher's 'Chak De Phatte', Kay Kay's 'Pal', Kal Ho Na Ho title track and even the song from Kamal Khan's movie Desh Drohi.
Bigg Boss Season 3 Day 47
Vinod Kambli:TRPs were the reason for my removal
There were speculations that Vinod Kambli was removed from Bigg Boss because of his non controversial nature and not audience votes. Even Vinod Kambli confirms it.
My wife was shocked because she didn't expect me to be out so soon. It's a game; anything can happen. I can't believe that I'm out of the house too!
The reason given was that I was non-controversial, and that was not enough for the TRPs. But that's the way I am. Two weeks were good enough for experience but I feel I should have given another chance. All the good contestants are getting evicted and the ones who are plotting against each other are still in there.
Why didn't you play games in the house?
They have duel personalities; I don't think they are like that in real life. Everyone was trying to play games. I cannot plot and backbite because it's not me. I was waiting for them to provoke me but that didn't happen because they were scared and careful when they spoke to me. They knew everything about me but they only asked me about my cricketing days.
Kamal Khan came in late. Had he been in the house before I got out, the scene would have been different (laughs).
Did you gel with everyone?
I gelled with almost everyone. I got along well with Vindoo even though he was the one plotting against us, which I learnt later.
I forgive them because it's just a game. Who am I to punish them? I know people are not like this in real life. What surprised me was that Aditi nominated me. That was backstabbing because I know her very well and she had been very nice to me. Only she nominated me.
Do you think you were at a disadvantage because you entered the house after a few weeks?
I knew it was a big challenge to enter after a few weeks, and I accepted it. I didn't fight with anyone but I was ready. If I had survived longer on the show, I would have definitely given everyone a piece of my mind. But if I was in their place, I would have reacted the same way.
What did you learn from the house?
I learnt to bitch (smiles).
Best moment in the house?
Bigg Boss sent a picture of Sachin Tendulkar and me when he completed 20 years in the game. The photograph was 15-16 years old and brought back the memories of my childhood. After coming out, I learnt that he had also completed 30,000 runs. I have retired from international cricket but I want say that I want to play one last time with Sachin. I want to play for the Indian Premier League , for any team, but I would prefer to play with Sachin. I am going to start practicing very soon.
How was your interaction with Amitabh Bachchan ?
He is my idol. Interacting with him was like talking to my father. I told him what I had been through in life. It was an emotional moment for me. When you talk to him, you tend to forget everything and start confessing.
Would you like to go back as a wild card entry?
Why not? The first entry was like a cricketer, the second will be like a politician.
Did you lose weight in the house?
Yes. I lost seven kilos because of my workouts and healthy food. My cake, eggs and kheer were stolen from the fridge the first week. On Vindoo's father -- Dara Singh's -- birthday, Bigg Boss sent a cake. I liked it so I kept it in the fridge. Nobody touched it (smiles).
What made you take up this show?
I have been on shows like Ek Khiladi Ek Haseena, Comedy Circus and Sach Ka Saamna only for experience. I wanted to see what it was like to be in the Bigg Boss house, cut off from the outside world. Now I am ready to take up another show if it excites me.
bigg boss interviews
Why was Kambli removed from Bigg Boss?
There are speculations that Vinod Kambli was removed from Bigg Boss, not due to audience votes but because of TRP problems. Bigg Boss team decided to chuck Vinod Kambli out because he was not popular enough for TRPs. He was the most non controversial personality and he dint really do any 'keeda' as such. There were lot of people inside the Bigg Boss house and outside who disliked Rohit Verma. But Bigg Boss team decided to keep him because he would boost TRPs.
bigg boss views
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Kamal Khan to enter Bigg Boss Wild Card Entry
If the reports of news channels are to believed, Kamal Khan wil be making a wild card entry in Bigg Boss Season 3.
Today, all the three housemates who were jailed were finally released by Poonam Dhillon. As for today, there was high debate between Pravesh and Rohit Verma accusing each other of telling lies. Pravesh said that Rohit was a back-biter, even though other people in the house told him to forget the whole issue. A task was given wherein each of the housemates were to sit on two sides of a swing and talk with each other, so they could understand each other better.
Today, all the three housemates who were jailed were finally released by Poonam Dhillon. As for today, there was high debate between Pravesh and Rohit Verma accusing each other of telling lies. Pravesh said that Rohit was a back-biter, even though other people in the house told him to forget the whole issue. A task was given wherein each of the housemates were to sit on two sides of a swing and talk with each other, so they could understand each other better.
Kamal Khan,
poonam dhillon,
rohit verma
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Rohit Verma in a cage
Bigg Boss punished the trio of Raju Shrivastav, Vindoo and Rohit Verma. It was possibly the worst day in Rohit Verma's life, where he was put in a cage. He shunned food while Vindoo in jail didnt mind it. Raju Shrivastav had no option but to babble in the solitary confinement as he made himself (un)comfortable in the swimming pool
Folks at Bigg Boss took pity on them; even Bakhtiyaar forgave them, though he wouldnt forget Rohit Verma for what he did. At the same time, Pravesh swore that he would teach a lesson to Rohit Verma.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Bigg Boss Historical Episode Video
bigg boss video
Bigg Boss 3's Best Episode Ever
In a landmark episode in Bigg Boss history, today’s Bigg Boss episode turned out to be fully entertaining and eye-opener to people who sweet-talk in front and bitch behind people’s back. We all knew that Rohit Verma, Vindoo and Raju Shrivastav were plotting and discussing nominations all these weeks, a thing that Bigg Boss had strictly warned about.
Today, during the voting day today, Bigg Boss showed its true Colors(pun intended). It made the house members come to the confession room, and give their names on participants, whom they want to be evicted out of the house. Bakhtiyaar, Aditi, Rohit, Claudia, Pravesh and Vindoo were nominated Vindoo, Rohit Verma and Raju Shrivastav weren’t called. Vindoo even came up with a ridiciulous view that the mike may have gone awry. As the three were wondering why this may have happened, Bigg Boss called everyone into the living room and made them watch on the television screen, the planning, plotting and scheming of the Vindoo, Rohit Verma and Raju Shrivastav All of them sat glued to their seat, grim, sat and devastated.
Bakhtiyaar, in burst of sobs and anger, said that he will never forgive Vindoo and Rohit for being sweet with his wife, and then saying bad things behind her back. Rohit Verma, who was guilt laden, shouted and screamed that he was waylaid by Vindoo. Vindoo, of course, laughed it off, saying that it was a part of the game. Aditi took broke down and said that she particularly hated Rohit Verma for being such a hypocrite.
Bigg Boss Season 3, which was touted as the most boring of all three seasons, seems to have picked up finally. Check out the Bigg Boss best episode video
Bigg Boss Season 3 Day 42
Aditi Gowitrikar takes 5 lakhs from an event management company and goes to Bigg Boss
Aditi Gowitrikar may have become very popular after Bigg Boss, but a certain event organizer Musha Mallik is not really happy with the developments. He had signed Aditi Gowitrikar as a brand ambassador of an event management company, Red Star Network, for a local beauty pageant. However, if he is to be believed, she had taken Rs.5 lakh and then got herself locked in the Bigg Boss house. Now, the content which was scheduled for November 8, is now postponed to November 17, because of Bigg Boss. The organizers have suffered a huge loss due to Aditi’s professionalism.
It may be recalled that there was another part of news, where Raju Shrivastav had also been under contract from Sab TV to do their program, but he committed it and then went off to participate in Bigg Boss.
Aditi Gowitrikar,
bigg boss news,
Raju Shrivastav
Friday, November 13, 2009
When Claudia kissed Vinod Kambli
Easily one of the cutest pictures of Bigg Boss, when the sexy Claudia Ciesla kissed Vinod Kambli's bald head. Claudia later confessed that Vinod Kambli was her dancing partner and Pravesh was her aata(flour) partner
bigg boss three pictures
Tanaaz gets evicted, Bakthiyaar stays
Big B to lighten the atmosphere, asked both Pravesh and Raju Shrivastav to do a mimicry of Nana Patekar. Pravesh, surprisingly was perfect in his take-off on Nana Patekar while Raju Shrivastav seemed fake.
Earlier, the couple were asked by Bigg Boss in the confession room, to a voice analyzer test, where one could find out, how much truth a person was telling. Tanaaz emerged more truthful.
Amitabh Bachchan announced that the one who goes out of the house is Tanaaz and the couple hugged each other. Tanaaz said that she would always remember her best friends, Aditi and Shamita Shetty. A point to be noted is that Tanaaz did not hug or even acknowedge 'once upon a time and now back-biter' Rohit Verma.
Tanaaz's hand-grenade was that Poonam Dhillon should speak to her daughter on the phone.
Bigg Boss Season 3 Day 40
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Jail birds Claudia and Pravesh in Love
Claudia and Pravesh had a good time in the jail with the latter flirting with her and she gladly playing into his hands, though she is a smart girl and looks to have a solemn aim-to win Bigg Boss. Watch this space for more
bigg bosss 3 romance
Sherlyn Chopra bares all about Bigg Boss
Here is a copy of the REDIFF transcript where users interacted with bombshell Sherlyn Chopra, who proved to be a damp squib in Bigg Boss:
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Maybe.
shree2606 asked, hi Sherlyn we miss u on bigboss
Sherlyn Chopra answers, How sweet! I will be back for the grand finale with a sizzling performance.
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Hi Ravi!
kunwarwasif asked, hey,, r u in touch with kamal after big boss.
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Give me one reason why I should be?
stillalone_madan asked, hi sherlyn.. i love ur smile... smile for mee...
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Thanks a ton. Here's a big smile for you :)
adivishnu asked, hello sherlyn ur performance in "a film by aravind" was simply outstanding........ when can i expect ur next telugu venture????
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Thanks dear! I really have no idea when I will get to do my next regional film.
rambhau asked, Id big boss scripted ?
Sherlyn Chopra answers, What makes you say so?
kreator asked, hey sherlyn ur really hot. whats ur ideal date??
Sherlyn Chopra answers, A guy whose got the right stuff at the right places. Don't get me wrong, it could also mean good stuff between the ears.
ramshah asked, any other Yash banner movies you working on?
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Talks are on.
shrey asked, me shrey, you have told amit ji, dat soon after this show you will like to join ur family (ur mom) for some duration.... have u gone or not??.... Coz ur tears showed dat how much u miss ur mom.....
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Yes. I've called her a couple of times, she said she would come to Mumbai very soon.
Sherlyn Chopra answers, I'd rather get crushed than have a crush on KRK. :P
biju asked, Hi Sherlyn, a reality show like Big Boss .. every body is fighting for their own survive .. and all are individual ... Is it fair with others house mates by having a couple in Big Boss ... whats ur view on this ..
Sherlyn Chopra answers, It's not fair at all and I voiced this on day 1 in the house.
sia asked, pls say hi to me so i can show my frinds that i got hi from u
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Hey Sia. Hi, hi and hi :)
chatur asked, Your best holidays till date?
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Yes to come. Planning to go to some isolated place this new year's eve.
bhavin shah asked, say something about vindu's last commets
Sherlyn Chopra answers, It was uncalled for. I was too exhausted emotionally to react.
Priya asked, Hi Gorgeous, was your stay scripted? It looked like it was.
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Really? Which part looked scripted?
Someone asked, it was very touching of AB to call your mom to sort out the differences between you and your family.
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Absolutely. I didn't have my mother's no to give to Amitji. I gave him a friend's number and it was the friend who gave him the number and the rest is history.
pa asked, When are you planning to get married?
Sherlyn Chopra answers, The words love and marriage scare me.
chatur asked, Any particular sports you are interested in apart from Cricket?
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Who told you I like cricket? I love watching it though. I love to play badminton and chess.
vishaal asked, do u think that big boss z a drama
Sherlyn Chopra answers, It is a house where there is unadulterated gossip and bitching.
abhay asked, hey sherlyn is it true you used to reside in bhyander before
Sherlyn Chopra answers, No. You are wrong.
Small_Boss asked, hi Sherlyn, you look very good --any plans for movies in Hollywood?
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Absolutely. Waiting for my ticket to Hollywood! :)
ng asked, u dont think u have dual personality?
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Maybe.
vinaykm505 asked, if you have chance in Bhojpori filme the you work or Not ?
Sherlyn Chopra answers, The answer is NO.
parry asked, Hi its nice to see Hyd girls do so well... in the filmi world... keep up the hard work
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Thanks buddy! :)
Pankaj asked, We saw you in pool only once...did you taken dip only once or taking everday ?
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Actually I entered the pool a couple of times. The water was very, very contaminated.
delhipassion asked, hi...wat u think about amitabh bachchan?
Sherlyn Chopra answers, The Bigg Boss in the industry :)
sunilpujari123 asked, hi sherlyn, why u r so sad. u r the best model i ever seen. But one thing i should tell u don't feel shy. Speak like Rakhi Sawant , Malika Sherawat. We are with u ( Me & My friends are big fan of u ) Sunil
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Hi Sunil! Thanks for the words of strength and comfort. I feel I must be myself and that is the way to be.
Sherlyn Chopra answers, of course yes. asked, I love your voice and it really very unique
Sherlyn Chopra answers, thank you :) My friends say that it is very shrill. I'm glad that you find it unique
Amrish asked, Which your film/album is coming shortly?
Sherlyn Chopra answers, There is an album which will hopefully be out very soon.
msndp18 asked, where u c yourself after 5 years from now /
Sherlyn Chopra answers, In Bigg Boss 8:)
werfrrf asked, Honestly do you feel that it is unfair that really average people like you and many others in Big Boss make huge sums of money and many other talented people in other jobs make much less.
Sherlyn Chopra answers, That is the irony of life :)
Kusum asked, What is the proof that you are REAL sherlyn chopra? you might be some nerd at Rediff answering the questions...
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Dear tell me how can I prove my identity. Life is about trust, isn't it?
Prakash asked, Hi Gorgeous, How do u manage to keep urself so fit...ur fig is ultimate..whts d secret??
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Thanks for the compliment. Let the secret remain a secret :)
askme asked, why dont u participate in dance show on TV?
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Why should I?
Castrolkanpur asked, Will you like to act in Daily Soaps / Serials ( SAAS BAHU Types)?
Sherlyn Chopra answers, If I'm allowed to wear a bikini then why not! :P
ragavava asked, hi did people in bigh boss see you with wrong intention anytime
Sherlyn Chopra answers, Yes. Raju would always crack double meaning jokes.
Sherlyn Chopra says, Thanks guys, it was amazing to know you all. Have tried to answer a few questions. My apologies for not being able to answer all of the questions that have been pouring in. Lets chat more often. Will be back soon. Love and hugs. God bless. Also visit Bye
bigg boss interviews
Mystery about KRK's Milk from Holland and Paris Water
In a rediff Chat, the biggest entertainer on television this year, Kamal Khan spoke or rather wrote his heart out and clarified a lot of things with his fans and foes. Here is a transcript:
Fans, curious to know more about the goings on in the house, quizzed the star at length during the chat. For those who missed it, here's what transpired.
Kamal R Khan says, Hello everyone. How are you doing? This is KRK.
sujeet asked, hi kamal whts up hw is life after big boss evacuation
Kamal R Khan answers, It's really nice to be in my own world. It was really difficult to stay in Bigg Boss house, where I had to share my bathroom with seven people.
samrat asked, hi kamal....what is the audience that you are targeting after your rude behaviout during big boss(since you are very proud of it)
Kamal R Khan answers, I don't think I was more rude than other members of the house. They were saying many bad things about me, but I never said anything behind anyone's back.
Noname asked, How is your family reacting after this?
Kamal R Khan answers, They know very well what I was doing in Bigg Boss house. I was one of the characters of the show, so it was my duty to do something extraordinary, which made Bigg Boss interesting.
ifz asked, tell us about your next movie?? when can we expect it
Kamal R Khan answers, I'm going to start shooting for Desh Drohi 2, which is based on 26/11 incident in Mumbai. I hope to release it in April 2010.
abgyu asked, Kamal, I heared that u import water, milk, vegitables etc...from foriegn countries. Is that true?
Kamal R Khan answers, My dear, all those products, like Needo Milk (from Holland), Evian water (from France), Lipton Tea (from London), are available in each and every store in all the metro cities. So you don't need to go buy them from foreign countries.
zx asked, I dont think such nice and polite answers are from kamal. It must be someone else answering for him
Kamal R Khan answers, Be sure that KRK is online. I'm a businessman who is running almost 12 offices with around 10,000 employees.
swagat asked, hi kamal! was ur stint in BB a marketing gimic?
Kamal R Khan answers, All the people should understand that the Bigg Boss is not a saas-bahu serial. It is a show producers have spent around 100 crore of rupees on. So you should expect some different type of entertainment from the show. So please take it as entertainment only.
naaraaz asked, r u married?
Kamal R Khan answers, Of course not. I don't know how to impress a girl. So I don't think it's going to happen soon.
nishant asked, hi kamal....did you throw the bottle on rohit verma to show the world you are aggressive and to create a niche for you in the film industry....
Kamal R Khan answers, I believe that you should not harm anyone, but if somebody harms you, you should not accept that. So that was my reaction after his action only.
jatwani asked, Hi Kamaal. Who do you think will win Bigg Boss 3?
Kamal R Khan answers, Today it's difficult to predict because there are a few more strong candidates who will enter the house. So you should ask this question after four or five weeks.
kumud asked, did you really like claudia?
Kamal R Khan answers, Yes. She's really very beautiful and a gem of a person. Her nature is really an asset for her.
red asked, will u try setting again with claudia after big boss is over??
Kamal R Khan answers, No, no. That was a part of the game show. But in real life I would love to marry an Indian girl only.
idiot asked, kamal u were awesome and stood out seperate from others..wht u want to say about girls taking off raju's shorts
Kamal R Khan answers, I think it's really shameful. Raju has a daughter so he should feel ashamed about his act.
sam1985 asked, Kamal i respect u a lot , but i just wanted to ask u one question , why did u made a film with such a sensitive topic ? where u aware of problem Up and bihar migrants are gonna face because of you ?
Kamal R Khan answers, I think you have not watched the film. Desh Drohi was a political thriller, and not about North Indian or South Indian.
kabir asked, hello kamaal sir, u r not well in big boss it is ur habbit or scripts of this show
Kamal R Khan answers, My producers invested more than 100 crore rupees on the show, so it was my duty to make the show entertaining.
jkln asked, Kamal your stint in big boss portrayed you as a uncultured rude and mentally imbalanced person. Was this your deliberate effort or this is how you are?
Kamal R Khan answers, I'm a business man. So you can understand what my real behavior is like. But when we are part of the show, we have a role to play, and we have to do justice to that.
jatt asked, you were scared of Vindu, isn't it ? he's DARA SINGH's son... a strong Punjabi Puttar n he could have given you a sound bashing had you provoked him with ur stupid behaviour !
Kamal R Khan answers, If you are right and you are sincere, then you can't be scared of anyone. Vindu is a good person, in his heart, but he's a pahalwan. So he doesn't use his mind.
rp asked, marathi manoos won in mumbai wat u say now
Kamal R Khan answers, I am an Indian and I know only India. I don't recognise India by the language or by the state politics.
muskan asked, Hii Krk..Bigg boss was interesting only because of u... it is boring now...fingers crossed for your wild card entry
Kamal R Khan answers, Three weeks have gone with only ten left. So expect more surprises. At the end you will find the biggest surprise in Bigg Boss' history!
Deepak asked, Hi Kamal - you may get a wild card entry to this show again, who will be your first target ??
Kamal R Khan answers, After watching all twenty days of the show, I came to know that Rohit Varma was talking really, really bad things about me, even though I have not used bad words on any member of the house. So if I get to enter the house again, Rohit Varma will be my first target. He will regret bad mouthing me for the rest of his life.
kom asked, I love you....kamaall
Kamal R Khan answers, I love you too. Take care. Have a good day. KRK.
Nazia asked, what kind of girl r u looking for?
Kamal R Khan answers, The girl who loves me more than anything else in the world. Whether I should love her or not.
Kusum asked, Who you liked the most in big boss?
Kamal R Khan answers, I still think that Ismail and Bhaktiyar are good people.
delhigal asked, you were awesome on bigg boss. the show is nothing without you. you should have won it ! what are your future plans..
Kamal R Khan answers, I'm really sorry if I disappointed you. But I don't have time to stay in Bigg Boss house for 85 days, as I am running my business.
tapori asked, any plans for joining politics ?
Kamal R Khan answers, Not right now because I'm really busy with my business and films.
Kusum asked, Why Desh Drohi 2 and not work on some other film?
Kamal R Khan answers, I love India so much that I can't think of doing any other project before Desh Drohi 2, which will give a very good message for all the Indians on how they can avoid such type of incidents (26/11).
rahulprime asked, I like your attitude!
Kamal R Khan answers, Thank you so much.
raven asked, how do u like hyderabad there are a lot of muslim fans of yours here
Kamal R Khan answers, My regards to all of them. I've been there a few times, but now I don't have time to go there. Inshallah I will visit Hyderabad in 2010.
red asked, did u and women shared same bathroom and toilets?
Kamal R Khan answers, No.
ga asked, y ur so selfish abt ur wealth
Kamal R Khan answers, Of course not. Whatever you have seen in Bigg Boss is just 45 minutes of clipping taken from 24 hours worth of film. So please don't believe everything you see or hear.
shyamsunder asked, KRK u speak Marathi?
Kamal R Khan answers, I'm sorry, bro. I'm from Delhi, so I speak only Indian national language -- Hindi.
Vicky Singh asked, KRK what would you do if Tanaz had pulled ur pant down
Kamal R Khan answers, I don't think anyone has the courage to do that type of thing with me.
Chaman asked, Is big boss really real or is it scripted?
Kamal R Khan answers, It's not scripted. But when 13 people are in the house, they must recognise their role and they should try to entertain people in their capacity.
shaikh asked, big boss ka expriance kaisa laga KRK
Kamal R Khan answers, It is very difficult, because my lifestyle outside Bigg Boss house is completely different.
cdf asked, they portrayed you like a pshyco...u regret your participation or its fine?
Kamal R Khan answers, Bigg Boss is one of the most reputed reality in the world. My favourite Amitabh Bachchan is the host. So I'm proud to be a part of Bigg Boss.
sam1985 asked, KRK do u speak urdu ?
Kamal R Khan answers, In Delhi, almost all the people speak a mixture of Urdu, Hindi and English.
k asked, KRK ji, Will you call Mumbai as Bombay in your film deshdrohi 2 ? Your views ?
Kamal R Khan answers, Of course not. I will call it Mumbai, because I respect all the religions, all the languages and all the names.
11-04-2009, 09:24 PM
FC Badshah
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 2,324
Re: Bigg Boss ka favorite KRK Live Chat Transcript
Peeyush Malhotra asked, you said the right thing about Bhaktiyar and Claudia... tanaz aur bhaktiyar ka divorce hoga kaya .. your opinion
Kamal R Khan answers, What I came to know through Bigg Boss house experience is that both are not having very good relations. But still I don't think there will be divorce because of Claudia.
joshimanish832000 asked, hi kamal, do u think, the contestants can learn something from the show and apply it in the life?
Kamal R Khan answers, Please understand that the behaviour you see on Bigg Boss house has nothing to do with real life. So take it as a game show.
kmaal asked, raju srivastav is a better actor than you.. how do u feel?
Kamal R Khan answers, Raju is a comedian and KRK is a hero. Please try to understand the difference.
k2 asked, Hey Kamal ... how r u ??? how was your experience when you meet BIG B..?
Kamal R Khan answers, It was the first time in my life when I was nervous in front of anyone. I was speechless. And I was trying to control my emotions.
goods asked, i think you had a crush on Rohit..
Kamal R Khan answers, Don't worry, dear. I am a man. I don't flirt with boys.
atif asked, krk dont you at all regret for your behaviour at Big Boss 3
Kamal R Khan answers, I don't regret my role that I played in any film or in any show. The producers paid us for that.
Seems like the suprise might be his re-entry into Big Boss.
Source: Rediff
bigg boss interviews,
Kamal Khan
Tanaaz and Bakhtiyaar nominated to be voted out
The house members again sang the same song, giving the same reason as to why Tanaaz and Bakthiyaar should be voted out. Their reason: as a couple, they have a strong point. The two new entrants to the house, cricketer Vinod Kambli and model Pravesh were exempted from voting or being nominated. There was tension between Tanaaz and Bakhtiyaar and the later became a cry baby because wife was not giving him as much attention as he wanted, because of the new task where each member had to serve Aditi-the new Mallika of the house.
Shamita showed her angst towards the new boy Pravesh, who seems to be flirting and getting cosy with Claudia. Vindoo obviously does not like him and think he is arrogant.
Bigg Boss Season 3 Day 38
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Bigg Boss Season 3 Boring
The editing of Bigg Boss is really sad so far. Some good scenes are being chopped out, we can make out. Also the late night version seems to be done by some kind of automatic camera. If the serial limps like this, I dont see a bright future for Bigg Boss 3. They should get some people who can infuse some 'keeda' like Akashdeep Sehgal or Shakti Kapoor
bigg boss three views
Ban Bigg Boss 3, says I&B Ministry
The I&B has said that producers have violated Section 5 of the cable network act, which says that obscene and indecent content shouldnt be allowed in programs. The ministy has also sent notices to serials like SACH KA SAAMNA, ISS JUNGLE SE MUJHE BACHAO AND PATI PATNI aur WOH for obscene content. So guy and gals tell us if Bigg Boss and such programs should be banned?
According to me, Bigg Boss shouldnt be banned. Yes, it should be banned because the program sucks compared to the previous two seasons which were excellent. As for profanity and obscenity, whom are we kidding? Is there any person in this country who hasnt listened to profanity and bad words before. Besides colors channel is beeping all the problems. So what is the issue? If you dont want to see the program, switch it off!!What about Doordarshan that used to show live action of parliament with vulgar language and abuses in the morning, years ago? The media is just sensationlizing the issue for cheap publicity
bigg boss news
Raju Shrivastav and Shamita to go out of Bigg Boss and Rajesh Khanna to come in
bigg boss news
Monday, October 26, 2009
Raju Shrivastav Strip Show Video Bigg Boss (Unseen)
Check out the Raju Shrivastav strip show video by Aditi and Tanaaz. This footage was cut even though it was shown on the teaser the day before. Don't understand two things: why they cut this video, even though it was pixelated and secondly, why did Raju not wear anything underneath..haha haha.
Download the Raju Shrivastav stripping video by Bigg Boss women
Aditi Gowitrikar,
bigg boss video,
Raju Shrivastav,
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Raju Shrivastav strip show by Aditi and Tanaaz
Women at Bigg Boss got wild today as they went beserk with the 'beach picnic' . Aditi Gowatrikar and Tanaaz Irani stripped Raju Shrivastav who had SURPISINGLY not worn anything underneath. The towel slipped and Aditi and Tanaaz giggled at the sight.
Download the Raju Shrivastav stripping video by Bigg Boss women
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Kamal Khan Thrown out of Bigg Boss House
Kamal Rashid Khan has been thrown out of Bigg Boss Season 3 due to his violent behavior with co-participants. The so-far thanda show of bigg boss 3 became surprisingly heated when Kamaal Khan threw a bottle at Rohit Verma, which hit Shamita Shetty.
Though Raja Choudhary and Sambhavana Seth had colorful arguments in the second season, Kamal Khan got physical with Rohit Verma and Raju Shrivastav. Bakthiyaar Irani also gave a peace of mind after the fight between Raju Shrivastav and Kamaal Khan was averted. Bigg Boss called everyone in the living room and sternly asked KRK to pack his bags and leave the house because any form of physical violence is not acceptable in the house.
bigg boss news
Video Kamal Khan throws Bottle at Rohit Verma
Things reached a boiling point at Bigg Boss Season 3 yesterday when Kamal Khan threw a plastic bottle at Rohit Verma. The gay designer had expressed his grievances about Kamaal Khan not giving enough points for a performance, albeit indirectly. Kamaal Khan knew that the words were directed to him and in a fit of anger threw a bottle at him
Vindoo and Raju Shrivastav came to defend Rohit but Kamaal paid no heed. Later KRK went to Raju Shrivastav's room and they came to blows nearly. Raju Shrivastav to KRK he need not boast about his money, because that much money he gaves to charity. Words like 'mere l*nd se ' and 'm%%dar&&dh' flew thick and fast, and both were about to beat each other.
Bigg Boss had to interrupt and he asked him to come to the confession room. Bigg Boss briefed him about the rules and asked him to refrain from such physical violence. Outside Poonam aunty and others were saying that he should be removed from the house, as the rule book says so. Bakthiyaar added that if you are removing the mike you are put to the jail, and how come there is no punishment for using physical violence?
Finally, the episode ended with each of the contestants deciding to stage a walk-out from the house
Bigg Boss Season 3 Day 18
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